Sunday, November 8, 2009

Raisins and toothbrushes

As a kid it was always such a disappointment to be greeted by a small box of raisins or worse yet a toothbrush after shivering on a neighbor's stoop on those cold New England Halloween nights. Do those people really think a few raisins or an extra toothbrush are going to save children from the bounty of candy they've already received? Halloween only comes once a year, why not add an extra candy bar or lollipop to treat-or-treaters' bags? Even worse than people who give "healthy candy alternatves" are those who forget to get anything for trick-or-treaters altogether. I've gotten pennies, juice boxes, and ancient hard candies that have gone sticky with age. I'm curious what strange things other people have gotten on Halloween.


  1. I really lucked out! The only non-candy items that I ever got were baked goods!

  2. The worst "candy" I ever got was an apple. But, even worse then that are the people that refuse to hand out candy and keep the lights off at their house. Honestly, who doesn't celebrate Halloween, it's just despicable.
